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Thursday, 12 June 2008

On The State of TV Journalism in India

To quote from a previous career-development article on Jobs Media:

If getting into journalism means changing the world, trust me, you would be disappointed. If you check out the newspapers or television channels carefully, you would notice, we are not doing BBC style journalism. A lot of it is plain entertainment.

Photos via an email forward.

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  1. I came across the same forward a very long time back.

    Also, how can we forget the 'Prince' episode wherein all th TV channels were showcasing this kid who became an instant superstar!

    "Kaal, Kankaal and Whatever!" promoting ideas about Ghosts, supernatural is our idea of breakthrough journalism!

  2. Lets not make sweeping statements. You always have the option of switching the channel to NDTV Profit or CNN-IBN if you don't like what's being reported. No one is holding a gun to anyone's head forcing them to watch Aaj Tak.

  3. BBC style juornalism is still a distant dream in the country. But what we are witnessing now-a-days may safely be called the Indian style of TV journalism .. a very distinct way of trivialising a powerful mode of communication ...

  4. I agree with taking a stand on this till the time the remote is our hands. Let us not forget there are many housewives, fans, and others who are emotionally attached to incidents like the Prince. Channels like Aaj Tak are successful not just like that. Local pulse is something the more educated class of journalism cannot relate to, because from their view point, those are flimsy issues.

  5. Hi! In the recent times in the parliament I have seen the so called young brigade of politicians talking about some Kalawati from the flip side of the urban divide, in context to what happened in Manglore today I was just inquisitive to know whether Kalawati has the privilege of the luxuries of metro and cosmo bars.
